The Olive Branch Care team are dedicated professionals committed to serving you. We will serve with respect and compassion; providing comfort so that you may embrace life with integrity, quality, honor and hope.
Hospice Care are available wherever you live, bringing the right care at the right time. Your team will work with you to set goals, to honor your wishes and to keep you independent as long as possible.
Care is available for all ages and at all stages of chronic or serious illness.
Our Care Options
Advanced Illness Support
Home visits happen as needed by an expert Nurse Practitioner: Beginning as early as diagnosis or at any stage of serious illness. Help in understanding illness and coordinating care. Intermittent visits as needed. Identify priorities and goals for care. Identify when patient qualifies for higher level of support
Hospice at Home or in a Care Facility
When the focus shifts to comfort instead of treatment, help is there for the whole family: Team members visit regularly to provide care and support. Nurses on call 24/7 for questions or a crisis. Care tailored to each situation. Expert pain and symptom management. Emotional and spiritual support.
Palliative Home Health Care
Team support is provided for people with pain, stress or other symptoms due to serious illness: Team members make home visits as ordered by your doctor. Nurses on call 24/7 for questions or a crisis. Help to reduce ER visits and hospital stays. Education for both patient and family. Keep receiving treatment.